Code by day, prose by night, Snigdha Roy is a software developer who is simultaneously an author, speaker and social advocate. Snigdha enjoys bending any medium to her purposes, be it rap, essay, video games, poetry, literary novels, or fantasy and science fiction.
Her works have garnered numerous awards, including multiple Engaged Artist Awards, Adamson’s Student Writing Awards, That Writing Contest poetry championships, the 2011 Mayo High School Humanitarian Award, and 5th Place for the video game Cradle in Indie DB’s Best Upcoming Indie Game of 2013 Players Choice.
Snigdha’s writing can be found in literary zines like Imprint, Dossier, the Big Straw Asian interest magazine, Unchaste Anthology Vol. 2, and online communities like The MFA Years. She also blogs on Medium.
Snigdha has a B.S. in Computer Science from the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University and was awarded her M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Goddard College on July 2019.
When she isn’t writing, Snigdha is spending hundreds of hours playing video games like Fire Emblem, Zelda and The Last of Us — then watching the dozens of video essays associated. She aims to write stories that will change the landscape of video games and leave a positive impact on society.