
Snigdha Roy

Author / engineer / social advocate



Snigdha Roy is an award-winning essayist, poet, rapper, speaker, software developer, and social advocate. Her work has been #1 in tech blogs, shortlisted for the CRAFT Short Fiction Prize, and appeared in literary magazines including The Masters Review, Dossier, Big Straw, Imprint, and Unchaste Anthologies.

Snigdha has won multiple Engaged Artist Awards, multiple Adamson Awards, back-to-back That Writing Contest Awards, and the 2011 Humanitarian Award. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Goddard College, and is a former editor of The Pitkin Review





The Craft of Race

Follow along in the blog series as Snigdha grapples with the following question: How do we write minority characters? And how can we write them well?

How to Find an MFA for POCs

Part of the How to Get Into a Writing MFA Program series, this article provides recommendations on how to navigate the tremendously difficult journey of finding truly diverse MFA programs that will grow minority writers, instead of shutting them down.

Everything Fiction

Having just spent two years submerged in young adult literary fiction, Snigdha is eagerly jumping back into her home base — science fiction and fantasy. 


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